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World Cup 2014 Predictor

Accept no alternatives. This is the original Sunderland RCA Predictor League!

Status: Final table: congratulations to James Wilson, very well done to Zak Moralee and a great finish from Ken Lamb to secure third place.

Auditor spreadsheet - click to open a sheet of all entries. (This page opens in a new window or tab and may take some time to load. It does not seem to play well in Microsoft Internet Explorer.)

Predictor Points
James Wilson 44 points
Zak Moralee 41 points
Ken Lamb 35 points
Patrick Thomas 32 points
Steve Belchamber 32 points
Mick Mallaby 29 points
Terry Scott 28 points
Dave Sharkey 26 points
Geoff Watson 26 points
Bryan Cheal 25 points
Jon Nicholson 24 points
Owen Haley 24 points
Bill Garland 23 points
Carl Fox 23 points
Jordan Winlow 22 points
David Lee 21 points
Colin Wilson 20 points
Owen J Haley 20 points
Denise Wilson 18 points
Rob Jones 17 points
Andy Fox 15 points